The other track will be a 5.1 AC3 audio track very usefull for Apple TV passtrough digital audio output One is mixed down all channels to stereo AAC. Stereo + 5.1 AC3: Selecting this option a multichannel audio track will be converted into 2 audio tracks. 5.1 AAC: Selecting this option a multichannel audio track will be converted in 5.1 AAC audio track stereo: Selecting this option a multichannel audio track will be converted mixing all channels into a stereo audio track

This ComboBox allow you to chose how should be converted the 5.1 audio track. Advanced modeīy selecting "advanced mode" you can choose an audio language and subtitle for every file you convert. If your converted file have an audio/video sync issue, you can try to enable this function to fix it. With this option you can solve some issue with audio/video sync. Usually this option is the best way to convert your video, however sometimes you must disable Remux option to convert some movies. With Remux option enabled, the application analize the file before convertion and choose the fastest way to convert the selected video. This option work only if you select an Apple device.

With this option enabled, every converted files are automatically imported into your iTunes movie library. From preferences you can set these options.